“Happiness is a human birth right.” (- Dr. Ganesh) Even in these crazy times. #HelpYourselfToHelpOthers ♥️⠀
「歡樂是人權」即使在現在瘋狂的時期也是🖤#中文如下 #幫助自己幫助他人⠀
In a yoga philosophy class last month, Dr. Ganesh from India beautifully explained the difference between DETACHMENT and IGNORANCE or CARELESSNESS👇🏽⠀
The question was: When a person we really care for is suffering emotionally or physically, how is it possible to care for them without suffering with them? ⠀
E.g. a family member is going through depression or a loss (or going through hell because of you know what - i'm sick of talking about it 😷🙊) . Are you likely to get depressed, anxious and sad too? 🤯⠀
While showing compassion is very important, it doesn’t mean we have to suffer through the same pain! 🙌🏽⠀
E.g. When you try to rescue someone from drowning, are you drowning yourself doing it?🙄⠀
By ensuring that YOU can swim before helping anyone, you have a way bigger chance of rescuing the person!⠀
Makes sense? 🤔⠀
Remember that only when you are healthy, happy and positive yourself, you can make OTHERS healthy and happy too! 🧡⠀
Compassion is not equal to pity, it’s giving emotional support by BEING there for the person.� And we can only do that well, when we make sure our own energy plugs are charged too😊⠀
我上個月在峇里島上課時,來自印度的Dr. Ganesh 在某一趟瑜伽哲學課中很可愛得解釋了【分離】與【無知/粗心】之間的區別 ⬇️⠀
例如,一個家庭成員正遭受抑鬱或某種損失(或因現在的疫情...)。你通常也會感到沮喪,焦慮和悲傷吧? 🤯⠀
同情心非常重要,但這並不意味著我們必須遭受同樣的痛苦 🙌🏽⠀
在幫助任何人之前,是不是要確保自己也會游泳,才有更大的機會挽救該人!這樣的例子說得通嗎? 🤔⠀
請記住,只有當你健康,正面積極向上時,才能有效地使其他人健康快樂! 🧡⠀
所以,同情不等於可憐!而是在為他人提供心靈支持!當我們確保自己的電源插頭也已充電時,我們才能做到這一點😊 ⠀
「birth month中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於birth month中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於birth month中文 在 壹週刊 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於birth month中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於birth month中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於birth month中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於birth month中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於birth month中文 在 Jesse! Have a happy birth-month September! 九月也是小黑生日 的評價
- 關於birth month中文 在 【中日字幕】uni-birth【湊あくあ/湊阿庫婭/Minato Aqua ... 的評價
birth month中文 在 壹週刊 Facebook 的最讚貼文
日前,一群音樂人集體創作出歌曲 Bauhinia Rhapsody(紫荊狂想曲),以歌曲聲援香港抗爭者。創作人發表聲明,望香港人攜手衝破困局,重掌未來,永遠以身為香港人而自豪。今日於網上發表MV,影像由曾炮製多段反送中文宣動畫短片的「#一班熱愛香港的創作人」操刀。
📢 📢 📢 📢 📢
中文譯本(English version at bottom)
Spotify: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodySpotify
Apple Music: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodyAppleMusic
Apple iTunes: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodyiTunes
How To Help Hong Kong from Abroad: bit.ly/HelpHKFromAbroad
這城街巷,今天只有殘留的軀殼,揭穿了一個前人未曾想我們繼承的殘局。無人問:「為甚麼會變成這樣?」但答案,我們都了然於胸。月復月、日復日,每個衝擊點滴累積成集體壓抑 ──鐵血的制度不止壓下染血的警棍、被爆的頭顱,也壓下真相。
📢 📢 📢 📢 📢
This song and video is a collective expression dedicated by you all.
Song proceeds will go towards the legal fees of victims fighting #HongKongPoliceBrutality as well as supporting the artists of this project.
Also available on:
Spotify: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodySpotify
Apple Music: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodyAppleMusic
Apple iTunes: bit.ly/BauhiniaRhapsodyiTunes
How To Help Hong Kong from Abroad: bit.ly/HelpHKFromAbroad
Dead streets, a shell of what once was - denying what could be - reveals a legacy that our great ancestors never wanted us to inherit. “How did it get this way?” Nobody asks; we already know the answers, repeated and beaten into our collective anxieties month after month and day after day. The truth wielded like a bloody truncheon, cracking skulls of the systemically oppressed.
I’ll tell you how I really feel. I’m scared. Scared to imagine a future where all my freedoms are taken away because I know what I’ve lost. And even so, that is nothing compared to imagining a future for a generation where they’ve no idea what freedom is. In fact, this is the present for many already, their birth right was stolen by weak men and women who deem independent thought and ideas too dangerous, and will go so far as to run tanks over any who break this narrative they desperately cling to.
But I’ll tell you what. I’m not scared of them; when I see the youth of Hong Kong and those behind them rally fearlessly in what they believe in, spitting in the face of apathy and police brutality, we’ve an entire generation who will pave ahead a time where history doesn’t repeat itself - repeat the cruelty of our would-be masters.
You who continue this protest, know that you are incredible. Ignore the hate, reject the ignorance, take each step forward with pride - pride that we control our own future. We should be forever proud to be known as Hongkongers.
Please share this song with everyone you know. Thank you for watching and listening.
Until then, be water. Be safe. Be Free.
Glory to Hong Kong.
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#紫荊狂想曲 #BauhiniaRhapsody #StandwithHongKong #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongProtest
birth month中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
【玳瑚師父公告】《靠近我就在今晚#40: 聚財八法餐會 - 第四卷》
40th Learning Session: The 8 Methodologies To Amass Wealth (Part 4)
日期及時間: 830pm-1030pm,星期四, 31 August 2017
地點:Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square
想🉐️吾補助者,請聯絡吾之助理,可發短訊至: +65 90212098,以便留位。這將是小型的活動。爲了表達個人誠意,玳瑚師父一概不接受透過別人代傳的簡訊報名。
You dream of being wealthy every single day, even every moment, without realising that you can make it happen in your daily lives.
Building sandcastle in the air?
I say you would be better off if you start working on your dream now. This is what I call a true realist.
Let me show you the way.
Date & time: 830pm-1030pm, Thursday, 31 August 2017
Venue: Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square
To reserve a slot at the Dinner Session, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098.
Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.
Information required:
1) Your Chinese name,
2) Your birth detail,
so that Master Dai Hu can advise you, based on your elemental needs.
Master Dai Hu is definitely able to solve your woes. However, there are universal laws about changing one's fate for the better. One must first be willing to accept virtuous knowledge, and share them with others.
In the past one month, two persons turned up at Master Dai Hu's meal sessions, despite their registrations being rejected. They assumed they could meet Master. Please know that Master Dai Hu is particular about a person's etiquette. Any gatecrasher will be ordered to leave, and not given any chance to speak to Master Dai Hu.
Here's a reminder to everybody. Master Dai Hu had made it more convenient for the masses to seek help from him, at no charge. Please do not be capricious and disrupt Master's ongoing Learning Session, creating trouble for other participants.
Any one that does so will be severely dealt with, regardless of their gender and age.
If you wish to obtain help from Master Dai Hu, and attend his events, please read all his articles on his FB page, and hit the LIKE button. This is to let him know that you wish to take the first step in transforming your life. Of course, it would be a tall order to LIKE all his articles in one day, but you can register for his event first then continue to read and LIKE his articles diligently.
I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. This will be a small-scale event. Do register early to avoid disappointment!
birth month中文 在 Jesse! Have a happy birth-month September! 九月也是小黑生日 的推薦與評價
Jesse! Have a happy birth-month September! 九月也是小黑生日,感謝日本插畫家奈美的精湛畫風! Timeline photos · Sep 25, 2014 ·. ... <看更多>